How to Detect Branches in Clusters

HDBSCAN* is often used to find subpopulations in exploratory data analysis workflows. Not only clusters themselves, but also their shape can represent meaningful subpopulations. For example, a Y-shaped cluster may represent an evolving process with two distinct end-states. Detecting these branches can reveal interesting patterns that are not captured by density-based clustering.

For example, HDBSCAN* finds 4 clusters in the datasets below, which does not inform us of the branching structure:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from hdbscan import HDBSCAN, BranchDetector
def plot(labels):
    """Plots the data coloured by labels, with noise points in silver."""
    noise_mask = labels == -1
    plt.scatter(data[noise_mask, 0], data[noise_mask, 1], 1, color="silver")
        data[~noise_mask, 0],
        data[~noise_mask, 1],
        labels[~noise_mask] % 10,
# Control points for line segments that merge three clusters
p0 = (0.13, -0.26)
p1 = (0.24, -0.12)
p2 = (0.32, 0.1)

# Noisy points along lines between three clusters
segments = [
        (np.linspace(p_start[0], p_end[0], 100), np.linspace(p_start[1], p_end[1], 100))
    + np.random.normal(size=(100, 2), scale=0.01)
    for p_start, p_end in [(p0, p1), (p1, p2)]

# Original data with new segments
data = np.load("./clusterable_data.npy")
data = np.concatenate((data, *segments))

# HDBSCAN clusters
clusterer = HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=15).fit(data)

Alternatively, HDBSCAN*’s leaf clusters provide more detail. They segment the points of different branches into distinct clusters. However, the partitioning and cluster hierarchy does not (necessarily) tell us how those clusters combine into a larger shape.

leaf_clusterer = HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=15, cluster_selection_method='leaf').fit(data)

This is where the branch detection post-processing step comes into play. The functionality is described in detail by Bot et al (please reference this paper when using this functionality). It operates on the detected clusters and extracts a branch-hierarchy analogous to HDBSCAN*’s condensed cluster hierarchy. The process is very similar to HDBSCAN* clustering, except that it operates on an in-cluster eccentricity rather than a density measure. Where peaks in a density profile correspond to clusters, the peaks in an eccentricity profile correspond to branches:

import matplotlib.tri as mtri

eccentricities = np.zeros(data.shape[0])
for label in range(len(clusterer.cluster_persistence_)):
    mask = clusterer.labels_ == label
    centroid = np.average(
    eccentricities[mask] = np.linalg.norm(data[mask] - centroid, axis=1)

fig = plt.figure()
tri = mtri.Triangulation(data[:, 0], data[:, 1])
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection="3d", computed_zorder=False)
ax.view_init(elev=45, azim=-100)
    np.repeat(eccentricities.min(), data.shape[0]),
ax.tricontour(tri, eccentricities, levels=np.linspace(0, eccentricities.max(), 15))
zlim = ax.get_zlim()
ax.set_box_aspect(aspect=(3, 3, 1))

Using the branch detection functionality is fairly straightforward. First, run hdbscan with parameter branch_detection_data=True. This tells hdbscan to cache the internal data structures needed for the branch detection process. Then, configure the BranchDetector class and fit is with the HDBSCAN object.

The resulting partitioning reflects subgroups for clusters and their branches:

clusterer = HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=15, branch_detection_data=True).fit(data)
branch_detector = BranchDetector(min_cluster_size=15).fit(clusterer)

Parameter selection

The BranchDetector’s main parameters are very similar to HDBSCAN*. Most guidelines for tuning HDBSCAN* also apply to the branch detector:

  • min_cluster_size configures how many points branches need to contain. Values around 10 to 25 points tend to work well. Lower values are useful when looking for smaller structures. Higher values can be used to suppress noise if present.

  • max_cluster_size. Branches with more than the specified number of points are skipped, selecting their descendants in the hierarchy instead.

  • cluster_selection_method. The leaf and Excess of Mass (EOM) strategies are used to select branches from the condensed hierarchies. By default, branches are only reflected in the final labelling for clusters that have 3 or more branches (at least one bifurcation).

  • cluster_selection_epsilon can be used to suppress branches that merge at low eccentricity values (y-value in the condensed hierarchy plot).

  • cluster_selection_persistence can be used to suppress branches with a short eccentricity range (y-range in the condensed hierarchy plot).

  • allow_single_cluster. When enabled, clusters with bifurcations will be given a single label if the root segment contains most eccentricity mass (i.e., branches already merge far from the center and most points are central).

Two parameters are unique to the BranchDetector class:

  • branch_detection_method determines which points are connected within a cluster. Both density-based clustering and the branch detection process need to determine which points are part of the same density/eccentricity peak. HDBSCAN* defines density in terms of the distance between points, providing natural way to define which points are connected at some density value. Eccentricity does not have such a connection. So, we use information from the clusters to determine which points should be connected instead.

    • The "core" method selects all edges that could be part of the cluster’s minimum spanning tree under HDBSCAN*’s mutual reachability distance. This graph contains the detected MST and all min_samples-nearest neighbors.

    • The "full" method connects all points with a mutual reachability lower than the maximum distance in the cluster’s MST. It represents all connectivity at the moment the last point joins the cluster. These methods differ in their sensitivity, noise robustness, and computational cost. The "core" method usually needs slightly higher min_branch_size values to suppress noisy branches than the "full" method. It is a good choice when branches span large density ranges.

  • label_sides_as_branches determines whether the sides of an elongated cluster without bifurcations (l-shape) are represented as distinct subgroups. By default a cluster needs to have one bifurcation (Y-shape) before the detected branches are represented in the final labelling.

Useful attributes

Like the HDBSCAN class, the BranchDetector class contains several useful attributes for exploring datasets.

Branch hierarchy

Branch hierarchies reflect the tree-shape of clusters. Like the cluster hierarchy, branch hierarchies can be used to interpret which branches exist. In addition, they reflect how far apart branches merge into the cluster.

idx = np.argmax([len(x) for x in branch_detector.branch_persistences_])
    select_clusters=True, selection_palette=["C4", "C5", "C6"]
plt.title(f"Branches in cluster {idx}")

The length of the branches also says something about the compactness / elongatedness of clusters. For example, the branch hierarchy for the orange ~-shaped cluster is quite different from the same hierarchy for the central o-shaped cluster.

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
idx = np.argmin([min(*x) for x in branch_detector.branch_persistences_])
plt.ylim([0.3, 0])
plt.title(f"Cluster {idx} (spherical)")

plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
idx = np.argmax([max(*x) for x in branch_detector.branch_persistences_])
plt.ylim([0.3, 0])
plt.title(f"Cluster {idx} (elongated)")

Cluster approximation graphs

Branches are detected using a graph that approximates the connectivity within a cluster. These graphs are available in the cluster_approximation_graph_ property and can be used to visualize data and the branch-detection process. The plotting function is based on the networkx API and uses networkx functionality to compute a layout if positions are not provided. Using UMAP to compute positions can be faster and more expressive. Several helper functions for exporting to numpy, pandas, and networkx are available.

For example, a figure with points coloured by the final labelling:

g = branch_detector.approximation_graph_
g.plot(positions=data, node_size=5, edge_width=0.2, edge_alpha=0.2)

Or, a figure with the edges coloured by centrality:


Approximate predict

A branch-aware approximate_predict_branch function is available to predicts branch labels for new points. This function uses a fitted BranchDetector object to first predict cluster labels and then the branch labels.

from hdbscan import approximate_predict_branch

new_points = np.asarray([[0.4, 0.25], [0.23, 0.2], [-0.14, -0.2]])
labels, probs, cluster_labels, cluster_probs, branch_labels, branch_probs = (
    approximate_predict_branch(branch_detector, new_points)

    labels % 10,

Detect branches in other clusters

It is possible to evaluate the BranchDetector class with non-HDBSCAN clusters through the optional arguments of its .fit() method. In the example below, two clusters are merged manually, resulting in a different branching structure. This functionality can be used to look for branches in, f.i., DBSCAN labels.

# Valid option
custom_labels = clusterer.labels_.copy()
custom_labels[clusterer.labels_ == 3] = 2, custom_labels)

Custom clusters only work if they are within-cluster-path-connected in HDBSCAN’s minimum spanning tree (MST). In other words, the MST edges between all points in the cluster must form a single connected component. Custom clusters that break this condition return the MST connected component labels instead of branches, without looking for branches!!

# Invalid labels cannot find branches!
custom_labels = clusterer.labels_.copy()
custom_labels[clusterer.labels_ == 3] = 0, custom_labels)